Record-breaking timing resolution with room-temperature single-photon detectors

by Mirco Kolarczik | on 17 September 2019

The Sherbrooke SPAD and quenching circuit module

The Sherbrooke SPAD and quenching circuit module

Swabian Instruments, together with Université de Sherbrooke, demonstrated a record-breaking low timing jitter with room-temperature single photon detectors. The measured TCSPC correlation of a full two-photon coincidence with two Sherbrooke’s single photon detector module and a pre-release unit of the new Swabian Instruments Time Tagger Ultra HighRes results in a total jitter of 20.3 ps FWHM. This corresponds to a 12.5 ps FWHM single photon timing resolution for the single SPAD detectors.

More details are available in our Application Note (PDF).

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