Time Tagger Software Update v2.17 is Officially Here!
on 02 July 2024
We’re excited to announce the release of Time Tagger Software v2.17, a comprehensive update packed with new features and improvements designed to enhance the performance, functionality, and user experience of our Time Taggers.
What’s new in v2.17?
Key Highlights:
FrequencyCounter: The new FrequencyCounter measurement class transforms the Time Tagger into a full-feature Omega-type frequency counter, offering unparalleled precision and functionality.
PulsePerSecondMonitor: Seamlessly monitor the synchronicity of 1 PPS (Pulse Per Second) signals from different sources using the new PulsePerSecondMonitor measurement class.
Histogram Log Bins Enhancement:HistogramLogBins now supports variable integration time per bin, providing precise g(2) normalization with immediate start and gated inputs.
Synchronizer Performance: Perform faster and more reliable measurements with our Synchronizer , which now supports 80 M Tags/s per device.
Combinations - Virtual Channel: Measure exclusive coincidences across multiple channels within a user-specified time window, where no events are recorded on surrounding guard windows.
Additional Improvements:
Ubuntu 24.04 long-term support release: Our software now supports Ubuntu 24.04.
Python Stable ABI Support: Our software now supports the Python Stable ABI, which is compatible with Python 3.12 and likely many future releases, ensuring long-term compatibility and ease of use.
MinGW C++ ABI Support: From now on, we have ensured compatibility with MINGW32 and UCRT64 environments.
High Data Transfer Rate:80 M tags/s to your PC over USB 3.0.
Reduced On-Device Latency: Experience significantly reduced on-device latency over USB and FPGA links, which provides faster and more responsive data acquisition.
High-Priority Input Channels: Ensure critical data on user-selectable input channels is transmitted even during overflow conditions.
Hardware Averaging of Timestamps: While already available in software, hardware averaging ensures higher precision of event timing while optimizing data rates.
Enhanced Picosecond Deadtime Filter: We have improved the deadtime filter, which can now be configured with any dead time in picosecond precision.
High-Resolution Mode: We have introduced full support for High-Resolution mode on the Time Tagger X, achieving a timing jitter of 1.5 ps RMS per channel, providing unmatched accuracy.
Full Support for QSFP+ FPGA Link: Achieve data transfer rates of 1.2 G Tags/s via the QSFP+ FPGA Link .
Hardware Enhancements: We have added support for Time Tagger Ultra with hardware revision 1.8, as well as improved the USB performance for many aligned inputs.
Enhanced Auto-Calibration: We have improved auto-calibration for periodic signals.
How to upgrade to v2.17
Visit the Time Tagger - Downloads section on our website to download the latest version of our Time Tagger software.
Run the installer and follow the accompanying instructions.
Connect your Time Tagger and make sure your computer has access to the internet.
How can we further improve?
We value your feedback and would love to hear about your experience with Time Tagger Software v2.17. Please contact our Application Scientist team at support@swabianinstruments.com to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with us!
Thank You for Your Support
We’re grateful for your continued support and trust in Swabian Instruments. Our mission is to provide scientists with the best tools to help accelerate their work. We’re passionate about what we do and are dedicated to delivering exceptional value to our customers.
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