Getting Started with Time Tagger in NI LabVIEW

The Time Tagger software engine is written in highly optimized C++ code. Other programming languages are supported through language wrappers (Python, Matlab C#/dotNET) and have the same features and function signatures. This makes programming of the Time Tagger in any supported language very similar and allows to use of the same documentation that is provided here .

From LabView, you can program the Time Tagger via the dotNET functionality provided by LabVIEW. All the functions are exactly as described in the programming interface documentation. Please take a look at the LabVIEW examples provided with the Time Tagger.

C:\Program Files\Swabian Instruments\Time Tagger\examples\LabView

While currently, there is no typical LabVIEW VIs for the Time Tagger, all functions and their parameters are represented as LabVIEW .NET nodes. They appear slightly different but work similarly, and you connect their input and output terminals with wires. To start coding, you need to create a dotNET class constructor and choose the assembly “SwabianInstruments.TimeTagger” which is registered system-wide.

More on how to use dotNET in LabView you may find here: Link

You can set Time Tagger parameters like trigger level or input delay by accessing corresponding methods on the Time Tagger object.

This short screencast shows how to start programming Time Tagger in LabVIEW.

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