The Time Tagger detects electrical signals that rise or fall across a user-defined trigger level. Such events are acquired with a resolution of 1 ps and a specific time jitter for each model. This is independent of the input signal’s shape (square, triangle, sine, or any arbitrary shape), as long as the signal’s slew rate is sufficiently high to be detected by the Time Tagger within the specified timing accuracy.
Our Time Taggers detect rising/falling edges within the specified accuracy for slew rates of 0.05 V/ns or higher. Please refer to the figure below for a quantitative understanding of the timing jitter of our Time Tagger 20 for different slew rates.
For sine waves, 3-volt amplitude signals at approximately 3 MHz, or 1-volt amplitude signals at approximately 10 MHz, have slew rates of about 0.06 V/ns, which are accurately acquired by our Time Taggers.
Please note that Time Taggers working in HighRes mode provide the specified RMS jitter when the slew rate of the incoming pulses is higher than 0.2 V/ns.