| on 22 January 2025
Figure 1. Photon number resolving (PNR) relies on the timing of electrical pulses generated by the SNSPD. (a) and (b) illustrate two industry-standard SNSPD pulse shapes. (c) and (d) show 2D histograms of the time differences between the reference laser’s trigger signal and the front and rear edges of the electrical pulses. Trigger level adjustment is leveraged to identify event timings, with distinct regions corresponding to the number of photons n detected. Figure adapted from [1].
Photon detection distinguishability is increasing interest in advancements in photonics and quantum technology. At Swabian Instruments, we are proud to lead this innovation with our Time Taggers , as detailed in our latest abstract presented at the Optica Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, which took place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in November 2024 [1].
Photon detection techniques aim to assign precisely the number of photons involved in a detection event. Photon detection, such as pseudo-photon number resolving (pseudo-PNR) measurement, traditionally relies on complex setups with multiple detectors, such as superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs). While effective, these systems are costly and complicated and have limitations in photon recognition per pulse.
Our innovative approach at Swabian Instruments streamlines these processes, enabling researchers to achieve high precision and efficiency in photon number resolution (PNR) with a single detector.
Time Taggers offer researchers a combination of precision and efficiency for photon number resolving (PNR) experiments, including:
Time Taggers excel at identifying the number of photons in optical pulses independent of the specific shape of the electrical pulse generated by the SNSPD (Subfigures a-b). With the integrated software engine, it is possible to easily and precisely measure PNR (Subfigures c-d). These capabilities are pivotal for various applications, particularly in quantum information experiments.
Swabian Instruments’ Time Taggers enable researchers to simplify PNR schemes by reducing the number of detectors required for experiments to one. This significantly reduces the cost and further improves scalability and efficiency, solidifying its role as a transformative tool in quantum and photonics research.
If you would like to learn more about PNR experiments, we invite you to read our photon number resolution (PNR) application page , our latest abstract presented at the Optica Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference 2024 [1], or contact us if you have any questions.
Let’s innovate together!
[1] M. Perera-González, M. Moioli, E. Mornacchi, and M. Kolarczik, "Simplifying Photon Detection and Analysis with Swabian Instruments’ Time Taggers," in Optica Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP) 2024, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2024), paper M3B.6.
Photon number resolution (PNR) is an enabling technique used to assign the number of photons involved in a detection event precisely. This technique leverages photon-number-resolving single-photon detectors as well as sophisticated signal analysis, and it is necessary for quantum cryptographyand quantum communication.
Read moreThe first photonic quantum computer built in Paderborn, Germany! At Swabian Instruments, we’re proud to have enabled this breakthrough with our software-based Photon Number Resolution (PNR) on single SNSPDs!
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